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Wednesday 13 August 2014

Nigeria: Open letter to Mr President on Ebola virus

I think it is time we work on the way forward as regards this deadly disease Ebola. I work for a multinational company that believes in emergency response plan. See the way the US is managing the same Ebola. Ghana, I learnt has closed her border. Your Excellency Sir this is my advice: I want Mr President to shutdown the whole nation for one week. “everybody stay where you are”

The ebola virus takes about seven days to manifest and the infested late doctor helped by alerting us of this virus. If this had happened in our general hospitals the disease would have spread without anyone knowing. Give the people one week advance notice to get food and other things needed; set-up emergency centres all over the nation (temporary points with paramedics). Then, let’s shutdown the nation for one week.

People will be asked to stay wherever they are for one whole week and if anyone fall sick within this period the paramedic will be called and they will attend to the situation. With this we will be able to curtail the spread of this disease otherwise we may lose the whole nation, if nothing is done at this crucial time. Our people are afraid and some went and hid themselves when they ought to show themselves to government in order to save others. Ignorance they say is a disease.

As per the paramedics, we can discuss with US and get assistance from them but we have to plan our strategy first and chart a way forward from here. We know you always listen to the cry of the public. God bless Nigeria.

—Adebayo Johnson


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