Martin Anderson, Sylvester Obiekwe and Raheem Agbaje will all be executed tonight at 5pm Nigerian time along with five others at the high-security prison island of Nusakambangan. Their co-convicts include two Australians, a Brazilian, a Filipino and a local Indonesian man, while a ninth convict, a Frenchman, will be spare for now because his appeal is still pending.
Already the coffins of the four have been moved to the prison and crosses that will be used to mark their graves have had their names inscribed on them. Despite passionate please internationally, from other countries and the United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-Moon, urging Indonesia to refrain from carrying out the executions, Jakarta insists that they will go ahead as planned.
Mr Ban had argued that drug-related offences are not generally considered to fall under most serious crimes, which is the only time the death penalty should be used under international law. However, Indonesia's new president Joko Widodo, who assumed office in October last year, has taken a strong stance on the discipline and punishment, not only on drugs but also on corruption and maritime law.
In his first few months in office, he ordered illegal fishing vessels to be blown up by the navy and supported the unprecedented move of dismissing the entire board of energy giant Pertamina. Earlier this year, Nigerian Daniel Enemuo was executed along with five others as Indonesia in what marked the return of public executions in Indonesia.
Of late, France has dramatically ramped up pressure on Jakarta to change course, with President Francois Hollande warning of consequences with France and Europe if the Frenchman Serge Atlaoui, was put to death. His appeal comes up next month and it is likely he too will be executed if it fails.
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